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Administrative Bodies of the School


Administrative Bodies of the School

The School covers a set of related sciences in order to ensure the research and teaching coordination among themselves.The bodies of the School are:

  1. The General Assembly of School. It comprises of members of the General Assemblies of the Departments belonging to it.
  2. The Deanship It consists of the Dean, the Chairmen of Departments and a student representative from each department.
  3. The Dean who is elected with tenure of three years by a special electoral body.

Administrative Bodies of the Department

Each school is divided into departments. The administrative bodies of the Department are:
The General Assembly. It is composed of faculty members of the Department and representatives of undergraduate and graduate students, representatives of EEDIP, ETEP, non- doctoral Assistants and Research Associates.
The Board of Directors of the department runs in case the department includes at least three divisions.  It consists of the Department Head, the Vice Head, the Directors of Divisions, two student representatives and one representative of the ranks of EEDIP, ETEP and research associates etc. in cases where issues relating to their rank are discussed.
The Head is elected for tenure of two years by a special body of electors. The Departments of Universities are divided into divisions. The bodies of each division are the General Assembly and the Director. The General Assembly is composed of the Teaching and Research Staff of the Division, two to five student representatives and one representative from the Graduate Students. The Director of the Division is elected with tenure of one year by the members of the General Assembly.