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2.6C - Plant Morphology and Physiology

2.6C - Plant Morphology and Physiology

Plant morphology and physiology

Code: 2.6C

Semester: 2 / Year: 1 (Mantatory)

Teachers: Patakas Angelos

Course Web Page: http://plantlab.deapt.upatras.gr/en/

Lectures hours (per week): 3

laboratory hours (per week): 2


The course consists of the following thematic units:

  • Structure and organization of plant cell
  • Cell division (mitosis-miosis)
  • Cell types and tissues: parenchyma, supportive, conductive, epidermal, secretory tissue, meristems
  • Vegetative organs: primary and secondary growth of stem and root. Morphology of anatomical structure of leaf. Pollination and Fertilization. Types of fruits
  • Physiology of seed germination
  • Plant growth and development
  • Photosynthesis – Respiration
  • Water intake and transport. Transpiration and factors influencing it
  • Nutrients: intake, transport and importance of inorganic nutrients on plant growth and development
  • Plant hormones
  • Ecophysiology: study of the morphological, physiological and biochemical responses of plants in relation to environmental factors

Educational Aims

The main objective of this course is to provide knowledge about the morphology, structure and anatomy of the plants as well as to understand their basic physiological functions. To achieve that, the course except the lectures includes weekly laboratory exercise by using specialized laboratory equipment such as microscopes, stereoscopes etc.

 By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Gather knowledge that involves critical understanding of plant morphology and physiology.
  • Understand the structure and the organization of plants.
  • Develop those knowledge-based skills needed to continue further studying with a high degree of autonomy.
  • Communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both qualified and non-specialized audiences and to work with fellow students to present a study of morphological, physiological and biochemical responses of plants in responses in plants in relation to environmental factors.

Student Evaluation

Student’s evaluation is mainly based on the final written exams performance given at the end of the semester. The final exams contain Short Response questions or Multiple-Choice questions derived from the Lecture (70%) and laboratory (30%) material respectivelly.


  1. Κωνσταντίνος Θάνος (2017). Φυσιολογία και Ανάπτυξη Φυτών, 2η Ελληνική έκδοση, Εκδόσεις: UTOPIA ΕΚΔΟΣΕΙΣ Μ. ΕΠΕ, ISBN: 978-618-5173-16-6, (in Greek). Κωδικός Βιβλίου στον Εύδοξο: 59396732.
  2. Α. Μποζαμπαλίδης (2006). Βοτανική, Μορφολογία και Ανατομία Φυτών, Β΄ Έκδοση Α. Μποζαμπαλίδης, (in Greek).
  3. Γ. Καραμπουρνιώτης (2006). Φυσιολογία καταπονήσεων των φυτών. Εκδόσεις Έμβρυο και Γ. Καραμπουρνιώτης, ISBN 960-8002-14-1, (in Greek).
  4. Σ. Καράταγλης, 1992. Φυσιολογία φυτών. Art of text, (in Greek).
  5. Lincoln Taiz and Eduardo Zeiger (2006). Plant Physiology, Fourth Edition, Publisher: AS Ιnc.