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Maria Tsampra

Associate Professor
Maria Tsampra
Maria TsampraAssociate Professor
Rank: Associate Professor, Knowledge Area: Laboratory: Laboratory of Agribusiness Management, E-mail: mtsampra@upatras.gr, Phone: +30 26410 74185, Office: 2.3, Office Hours: Wednesday 10:00-12:00

Maria Tsampra

Academic Titles

  • PhD in Economic Geography, 2000. Department of Geography, King's College (KCL), University of London, UK
  • Master (ΜΑ) in Regional Development, 1995. Regional Development Institute (RDI), Panteion University of Social & Political Studies, Athens, Greece.
  • Dipl Engineering in Architecture, Urban & Regional Planning, 1989. Department of Urban & Regional Planning, School of Architecture, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece 

Research Interests

  • Geography of Production and Labour
  • Regional Entrepreneurship: business clusters and networks, Innovation and Competitiveness
  • Urban – Rural spatial inequalities
  • European Regional Policy


Articles in academic journals

  • Tsampra, M.and Gialis, S. (2016) «The shifting regional patterns of atypical employment in Greece during crisis». Geographies, Special Issue on Geographies of Labour and Uneven Development in Europe (forthcoming)
  • Gialis, S. and Tsampra, M. (2015) «The diverse regional patterns of atypical employment in Greece: Production restructuring, re/deregulation and flexicurity under crisis». Geoforum 62: 175–187
  • Gialis, S., Tsampra, M. and L. Leontidou (2015) «Atypical employment in crisis-hit Greek regions: Local production structures, flexibilization and labour market re/deregulation». Economic and Industrial Democracy0143831X15586815: 1–21
  • Tsampra, M. and P. Sklias (2015) «Labour reforms in SEE countries and recovering from the crisis». Procedia Economics and Finance33: 46 – 54
  • Kontogeorgos, A., Tsampra, M. and Chatzitheodoridis, F. (2015) «Agricultural Policy and the Environment Protection through the Eyes of New Farmers: Evidence from a Country of Southeast Europe». Procedia Economics and Finance19: 296 – 303
  • Sklias, P. and Tsampra, M. (2013) «Assessing regional integration and business potential in the Western Balkans». International Journal of Economics & Business Research, 6 (1): 28-51
  • Palaskas, Th., Tsampra, M. and Stoforos, Ch. (2012) «Regional business competitiveness: medium- and low-technology production systems in Northern Greece». European Research Studies, Volume XVI (1): 20-28
  • Christofakis, M. and Tsampra, M. (2012) «Opportunities and restrictions for the local-endogenous development in metropolitan areas of high industrial concentration: the case of Thriasio Pedio in Attica». Bulletin of Geography, 17: 21-31
  • Zervopoulos, P. and Tsampra, M. (2011) «Economic and spatial dimensions of public organisations’ restructuringς». Management Science Review, 17: 233-263(in greek)
  • Palaskas, Th., and Tsampra, M. (2004) «Entrepreneurial Competitiveness in the Economy of Knowledge: determinants of SMEs innovativeness». SOUDAIJournal of Economics and Business,54(1): 59-76 (english abstract)
  • Clark, G.L., Th. Palaskas, P. Tracey, M. Tsampra (2004) «Market revenue and the scope and scale of SME networks in Europe’s vulnerable regions». Environment and Planning A, 36 (7): 1305-1326
  • Clark, G.L., Th. Palaskas, P. Tracey, M. Tsampra (2004) «Globalization and competitive strategy in Europe's vulnerable regions: firm, industry and country effects in labour-intensive industries». Regional Studies, 38 (9):1085-1100
Book Chapters
  • Tsampra, Μ.(2017) Crisis and Austerity in Action: Greece. In Clark, G.L., Gertler, M., Feldman, M. and D. Wójcik (eds) New Oxford Handbook of Economic Geography - Part I: Grounded in Place, Oxford University Press (forthcoming)
  • Tsampra, Μ.and Chatzimichailidou, P. (2014) «The course of employment ‘swelling’ in the Greek public sector from the EMU up to the ESM». In Roukanas, S. and Sklias, P. (eds) The Greek Political Economy 2000-2010: From the European Monetary Union to the European Support Mechanism, Αthens: Livanis (in greek)
  • Sklias, P. and Tsampra, M. (2014) «Regional integration in Western Balkans: A case for cross-border business cooperation?» InKarasavvoglou, A. and Polychronidou, P. (eds), Contributions to Economics: Economic Crisis in Europe and the Balkans, pp. 179-194. Heidelberg: Springer.
  • Tsampra, Μ.(2013) The Greek agro-food industry: Regional competitiveness in a globalized market. In Sklias, P. and N. Tzifakis (eds), Greeceʼs Horizons: Reflecting on the Countryʼs Assets and Capabilities, pp.227-236. Heidelberg: Springer
  • Tsampra, Μ.(2012) «Peripherality and knowledge deficit». In Afouxenidis, A. (ed) Inequality in the era of Crisi: Theoretical and empirical explorations, pp. 133-144, Athens: Propobos
  • Clark, G.L., Th. Palaskas, P. Tracey, M. Tsampra (2006) «Globalization and competitive strategy in Europe's vulnerable regions: firm, industry and country effects in labour-intensive industries». In Martin, R., Kitson, M. and P. Tyler (eds) Regional Competitiveness, Routledge: London & New York, pp.95-110.
  • Arapoglou, V., Th. Palaskas, M. Tsampra (2005) «Regional Innovation Systems in the Global Information Technology Industry: The Non-Internationalisation of the Greek SMEs». In Studies in honour of Prof. N. Konsolas, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences: Athens.
  • M. Tsampraand Palaskas, Th. (2004) «Globalisation and vulnerable Greek regions: the sustainability of local production systems of flexibly specialized small and medium sized enterprises». In Spilanis, J., Iosifidis, Th. and Kizos, A. (eds) Development Strategies in Less Favoured Regions, Athens: Gutenberg (in greek).
  • Palaskas, Th. and M. Tsampra (2003) «National Innovation Systems: Absorptive Capacity and Firm Competitiveness». In J. Cantwell and J. Molero (eds), Multinational Enterprises, Innovative Strategies and Systems of Innovation, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Books - Monographs
  • Palaskas, Th., Papatheodorou, A. and M. Tsampra (2006) Cultural Heritage as a development factor of the Greek Economy. Academy of Athens, Series: Economic Studies, no 4, Athens: Academy of Athens (in greek)
  • Palaskas, Th. and M. Tsampra (2005) Economic environment, Institutional context and Competitiveness of SMEs. Foundation of Economic and Industrial Research, Series: Economic Issues, 14/05, Athens: FEIR (in greek)
  • Tsampra, Μ.(2013) «Technological progress in Europe – Uneven development and Globalisation – Modernity and Geographies of industrialisation – From Fordism to Flexible accumulation: Fordism and the new technology; From production modes to Regulation Theory; Flexible Specialisation; The spatial Division of Labour; Innovation in the material culture and the geography of Europe – Spatial inequalities in the contemporary Economy of Knowledge – Space and new technologies in the emerging ‘weightless’ economy». In Leontidou, L. (ed), Human Geography and the Material Civilisation of Europe. Studies in European Civilisation, Hellenic Open University: Patra (in greek)
  • Palaskas, Th., A. Chatzis, M. Tsampra and P. zaervopoulos (2012) Quality Processes and Models in Public Administration. Textbook for public sector employees, Longlife Learning Project, Thessaloniki: Balkan Institute of Public Administration
Conference Papers
  • Bouranta, N. and Tsampra, M. (2016) «Self-employment and social media in Greece». ESRC seminar on Microenterprise, technology and big data: new forms of digital enterprise and work and ways to research them. University of Southampton, October 10-11
  • Tsampra, M., Gerats, R. & D. Bimpas (2016) «Crisis and Regional Labour Markets Resilience: The factor of Local Entrepreneurship». 14th European Regional Science Association Conference ERSA-GR: Production Restructuring and Regional Development, Regional Development Institute, Athens, June 24-25 (in greek).
  • Tsampra, M. (2015) «Crisis and Austerity in Action: Greece». 4th Global Conference on Economic Geography: Mapping Economies in Transformation. Oxford, UK, August 19-23
  • Tsampra, M.and P. Sklias (2015) «Labour reforms in SEE countries and their impact on escaping from the crisis». 7th International Conference EBEEC 2015: The Economies of Balkan and Eastern Europe Countries in the changed World. Kavala, Greece, May 8-10
  • Tsampra, M. (2015) «Neoliberal restructuring and shifting regional patterns of atypical employment in Greece during crisis». Scientific meeting: Geographies of Labour and Uneven Development in Europe of Crisis. Athens, April 30 (in greek)
  • Bouranta, N. and Tsampra, M. (2015) «Accepting flexible work by choice or necessity: the effect of personality traits». 14th Special Conference of the Greek Operational Research Association: Rural development and agricultural economy – Management with multicriteria decision analysis. Agrinio, March 12-14
  • Klabatsea, R. and Tsampra, M. (2014) «Urban development in the era of crisis: Strategies, processes and practices restructuring metropolitan Athens». 12th European Regional Science Association Conference ERSA-GR: Urban and Regional Development: Contemporary challenges. Athens, June 27-28(in greek)
  • Gialis, S., Gourzis, C. and Tsampra, M. (2012) «The expansion of flexible and atypical employment in Greek regions: the period (2009-2011) of the crisis and abolishment of post-war labour structures». 3rd National Conference of Urban, Spatial and Regional Development: Regional Development, University of Thessaly, Volos, September 27-30 (in greek)
  • Gialis, S. and M. Tsampra (2012) «The changing Geography of atypical employment in Greece under Flexicurity and Recession». British International Studies Association (BISA) & International Studies Association (ISA) joint International Conference on Tension or Opportunity in Responding to Global Challenges: Analysing Labour and the Crisis, Edinburgh, UK, June 20-22
  • Palaskas, Th., Tsampra, M. and Stoforos, Ch. (2012)«Greek SMEs and vulnerable Regins in the new economic situation: knowledge and innovation vs low-cost specialisation». 10th European Regional Science Association Conference ERSA-GR: Economic crisis and policies for growth and cohesion, Thessaloniki, June 1-2 (in greek)
  • Sklias, P. and M. Tsampra (2012) «Regional Integration in Western Balkans: A case for cross-border business cooperation?» Proceedings of the 4th International Conference EBEEC 2012: The Economies of Balkan and Eastern Europe Countries in the changed world, Sofia, Bulgaria, May 11-13
  • … 
Economic Press
  • Palaskas, Th. and Tsampra, M. (2005) «Economic environment, institutional context and SMEs’ competitiveness». Anaptyxi: Review of the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 9: 45-49
  • Palaskas, Th. and Tsampra, M. (2003) «European integration and competitiveness: Technological adjustment strategies of Greek SMEs». Emphasis, 15: 53-67.
  • Palaskas, Th. and Tsampra, M. (2002) «Investment capital and competitive strategies of Greek enterprises». Review of the Greek Banks Association, 30: 50-58