3.8C - Modern Trends in Plant Production
3.8C - Modern Trends in Plant Production
Modern trends in Plant Production
Code: 3.8C
Semester: 3 / Year: 2 (Mantatory)
Teachers: Patakas Angelos
Course Web Page: http://plantlab.deapt.upatras.gr/en/
Lectures hours (per week): 3
laboratory hours (per week): 2
The course consists of the following thematic units:
- Horticulture in Greece and world-Geographical distribution
- Propagation
- Orchard establishment
- Mineral nutrition
- Pruning and training
- Irrigation Management
- Fruit Harvesting and storage
- Precision Horticulture
- Diseases and Pests
- Varieties
Educational Aims
The main objective of the course is to provide basic knowledge about the cultivation of fruit trees and grapevines. Specificattention is given on the assessment of the main and new cultivation techniques as well as to the practices and technologies involved in the development, production and use of horticultural crops. Moreover, the course explores the prospects of horticulture and viticulture in different regions of the country with an empasis on environmental impact on horticultural production efficiency. In order to achieve these objectives the course includes, apart from the lectures, weekly laboratory work of students using appropriate laboratory equipment.
At the end of this course the student will be able to:
- Apply theories and principles of growing fruit trees and vines in crop production
- Define and describe the significance of horticulture in national economy
- Demonstrate a working knowledge of the fundamental principles of plant growth anddevelopment
- Apply the fundamentals of plant growth and utilize practical and novel applications in horticulture
Explain, evaluate, and effectively interpret current technologies in horticultural production.
Student Evaluation
Student’s evaluation is mainly based on the final written exams performance given at the end of the semester.
The final exams contain Short Response Questions or Multiple-Choice questions derived from the Lecture (70%) and laboratory (30%) material respectivelly.
- Μ. Βασιλακάκης (2016). Γενική και Ειδική Δενδροκομία, 1η Έκδοση, Εκδόσεις: ΓΑΡΤΑΓΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΙΣ-ΣΑΒΒΑΣ, ISBN: 978-960-6859-26-7, (in Greek). Κωδικός Βιβλίου στον Εύδοξο: 59361652.
- Μ. Βλάχος (1994). Στοιχεία Γενικής Αμπελουργίας, Εκδόσεις Α.Π.Θ., (in Greek).
- Winkler Α.J., Cook J.A., Kliewer M., Lider L.A., (1975). General viticulture, University of California press, ISBN: 9780520025912.
- Δ. Σταύρακας (1999). Μαθήματα Γενικής Αμπελουργίας, Εκδόσεις Α.Π.Θ., (in Greek).