Angelos Patakas
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Angelos Patakas
Book chapters
1. A. Patakas, 2011. Abiotic Stress Induced Morphological and Anatomical Changes in Plants. In:‘ABIOTIC STRESS RESPONSES IN PLANTS: METABOLISM, PRODUCTIVITY AND SUSTAINABILITY’ (Eds) A. Parvaiz, and M. Prasad. Springer, ISBN 978-1-4614-0633-4. p: 21-40.
1. A. Patakas, (1992). Diurnal changes in gas exchange and water relations in field grown grapevines. Acta Horticulturae, 335: 251-256.
2. A. Patakas, D. Stavrakas and M. Vrachnakis, (1996).“Influence of two different training systems on W.U.E of grapevines. Acta Horticulturae, 337: 461-466.
3. M. Vrahnakis, Z. Koukoura and A. Patakas, (1996). Influence of density and irrigation in the production of two legume species under mixed conditions. Acta Horticulturae, 337: 575-581.
4. A. Patakas, B. Noitsakis and D. Stavrakas, (1997). Adaptation to seasonal drought in Vitis vinifera L. as affected by leaf age. Vitis, 36 (1): 11-14.
5. A. Patakas and B. Noitsakis, (1997). Cell wall elasticity as a mechanism to maintain favorable water relations during leaf ontogeny in grapevines. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 48 (3): 352-358.
6. A. Patakas, B. Noitsakis and D. Stavrakas, (1997). Water relation parameters inVitis vinifera in drought period. Effects of leaf age. Agronomie, 17: 129-138.
7. A. Patakas and B. Noitsakis, (1997). Οsmotic adjustment and partitioning of turgor responses to drought in grapevines leaves. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 50: 76-80.
8. Patakas and B. Noitsakis, (1999). Mechanisms involved in diurnal changes of osmotic potential in grapevines under drought conditions. Journal of Plant Physiology, 154: 767-774.
9. A. Patakas and B. Noitsakis, (1999). An indirect method of estimating leaf area index in cordon trained spur pruned grapevines. Scientia Horticulturae, 80: 299-305.
10. K. Chartzoulakis, A. Patakas, and A. Bosabalidis,(1999). Influence of leaf anatomical structure on the photosynthetic rate of two olive cultivars grown under drought conditions. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 42:113-120.
11. K. Chartzoulakis, A. Patakas, and A. Bosabalidis, (1999). Comparative study on gas exchange, water relations and leaf anatomy of two olive cultivars grown under well irrigated and drought conditions. Z. Naturforsh. 54c: 688-692.
12. K. Chartzoulakis, A. Bosabalidis, A. Patakas, and S. Vemmos, (1999). Effects of water stress on water relations, gas exchange and leaf structure of olive tree. Acta Horticulturae, 52:154-158.
13. A. Patakas, (2000). Changes in solutes contributing to osmotic potential during leaf ondogeny in grapevines. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 51: 223-226.
14. E. Paroussis, G. Paroussi, Y. Dumas, T. Koutsos, A. Patakas, N. Gandidis, and M. Karagianni-Christou, (2001). Effects of irrigation management on physiology, yield and quality of processing tomatoes. Acta Horticulturae, 579:149-153.
15. Α. Patakas and B. Noitsakis, (2001). Leaf age effects on solute accumulation in water stressed grapevines. Journal of Plant Physiology, 158: 63-69.
16. K. Chartzoulakis, A. Patakas, G. Kofidis, and A. Bosabalidis,(2002). Water stress affects leaf anatomy, gas exchange and growth of two avocado cultivars. Scientia Horticulturae,1778:1-13.
17. A. Patakas, N. Nikolaou, E. Zioziou, K. Radoglou, and B. Noitsakis, (2002). The role of organic solute and ion accumulation in osmotic adjustment in drought stressed grapevines. Plant Science, 163 (2): 361-367.
18. A. Patakas, D. Stavrakas and I. Fisarakis, (2003). Relationship between CO2 assimilation and leaf anatomical characteristics of two grapevine cultivars. Agronomie, 23(4): 293-296.
19. C. Vigo, I. Therios, A. Patakas, et al., (2003). Changes in photosynthetic parameters and nutrient distribution of olive plants (Olea europea L.,) cultivars ‘Chondrolia chalkidikis’ under NaCl Na2SO4 and KCL salinities. AGROCHIMICA 46 (1-2): 33-46.
20. A. Patakas, G. Kofidis, and A. Bosabalidis, (2003). The relationships between CO2 transfer mesophyll resistance and photosynthetic efficiency in grapevine cultivars. Scientia Horticulturae,97: 255-263.
21. N. Nikolaou, E. Zioziou, D. Staurakas, and A. Patakas, (2003). Effects of ethephon, methanol, ethanol and girdling treatments on berry maturity and colour development in ‘Cardinal’ table grapes. Aust. J. Grape and Wine Research, 9:12-14.
22. Ι. Papadakis, K. Dimassi, A. Bossabalidis, I. Therios, A. Patakas, and A. Giannakoula, (2004). Boron toxicity in ‘Clementine’ mandarin plants grafted on two rootstocks. Plant Science, 166: 539-547.
23. I. Papadakis, K. Dimassi, A. Bossabalidis, I. Therios, A. Patakas, and A. Giannakoula, (2004). Effects of B excess on some physiological and anatomical parameters of ‘Navelina’ orange plants grafted on two rootstocks. Environmental and Εxperimental Botany51: 247-257.
24. R. Basheer-Salimia, A. Patakas, V. Noitsakis, A. Bosabalidis, and M. Vasilakakis, (2004). Changes in morphological and physiological markers induced by growth phases in leaves of olive tree (Olea europea L.). Journal of Biological Research, 2: 105-114.
25. V. Chouliaras, I. Therios, A. Molassiotis, A. Patakas, and G. Diamantidis, (2004). EffectofirondeficiencyongasexchangeandcatalaseandperoxidaseactivityinCitrus. JournalofPlantNutrition,27 (12):2085-2099.
26. A. Patakas, B. Noitsakis and A. Chouzouri, (2005). Optimisation of irrigation water use in grapevines using the relationship between transpiration and plant water status. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment, 106: 253-259.
27. A. Molassiotis, G. Tanou, G. Diamantidis, A. Patakas, and I. Therios, (2006). Effects of 4-month fe deficiency exposure on Fe reduction mechanism, photosynthetic gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence and antioxidant defence in two peach rootstocks differing in fe deficiency tolerance. Journal of Plant Physiology, 163(2): 176-185.
28. R. Basheer-Salimia, G. Diamantidis, M. Vasilakakis, A. Patakas, V. Noitsakis, and A. Bosabalidis, (2008). Morphological-anatomical and biochemical differences between leaves of non-pruned (central leader) and rejuvenated olive trees (Οlea europeae L. cv. chondrolia chalkidikis).Acta Horticulturae, 791: 241-248.
29. A. Patakas, B. Noitsakis, A. Chouzouri, K. Chartzoulakis and Α. Zotos, (2008). Physiological and biochemical changes induced by different irrigation strategies in grapevines. Acta Horticulturae, 792: 511-517.
30. M. Guerfel, A. Beis, T. Zotos, D. Boujnah, M. Zarrouk, and A. Patakas, (2009). Differences in abscisic acid concentration in roots and leaves of two young olive (Οlea europaeaL.) cultivars in response to water deficit. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 31(4):825-831.
31. A. Beis, Zotos A., and A. Patakas, (2009). Influence of sampling time and sap extraction methodology on xylem pH values in two grapevine varieties grown under drought conditions. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 67: 305–311.
32. A. Patakas, A. Zotos, and A. Beis, (2010). Possible role of nitric oxide in drought stressed grapevines. Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research,16(1):203-209.
33. A. Beis and A. Patakas, (2010). Differences in stomatal responses and root:shoot signalling between two grapevine varieties subjected to drought. Functional Plant Biology, 37:139-146.
34. A. Beis, and A. Patakas, (2010). Interactive effect of irrigation level and methodology on physiological and biochemical responses in two grape varieties differing in drought adaptation. The OIV Bulletin 83: 189-206
35. G. Doupis, K. Chartzoulakis, A. Beis, and A. Patakas, (2011). Allometric and biochemical responses of grapevines subjected to drought and enhanced ultraviolet-B radiation. Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 17: 36–42.
36. A. Beis and A. Patakas, (2012). Relative contribution of photoprotection and anti-oxidative mechanisms to differential drought adaptation ability in grapevines. Environmental and Experimental Botany 78:173– 183.
37. . G. Doupis, K. Chartzoulakis, and A. Patakas(2012). Differences in antioxidant mechanisms in grapevines subjected to drought and enhanced UV-B radiation. Emir. J. Food Agric. 24:607-613
38. V. Lianopoulou , A. Patakas, and A.M. Bosabalidis (2013). Seasonal dimorphism and winter chilling stress inThymus sibthorpii. Biologia plantarum (in press).