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3.7C - Food Safety

3.7C - Food Safety

Food Safety

Code: 3.7C

Semester: 3 / Year: 2 (Mantatory)

Teachers: Ladavos Athanasios, Tsintzou Alexandra

Course Web Page

Lectures hours (per week): 3

laboratory hours (per week): 2



  1. Introduction to Food Safety
  2. Basic principles of food microbiology
  3. Food poisoning
  4. Chemical and Physical hazards
  5. Primary Production Safety
  6. Safety in processing and maintenance of food
  7. GoodSafety and Hygiene of Food Processing Facilities (Good Manufacturing Practice)
  8. Hygiene and Training of Personnel of Food Industries
  9. Food safety in the marketing and handling
  10. Community legislative framework, notification mechanisms and quality control of agricultural product safety
  11. Introduction to Quality Assurance Systems-HACCP Basic Principles
  12. Implementation of Risk Analysis in Critical Control Points in Agricultural Products Quality Control in Food Safety (description of basic analytical methods of quality control)


  1. Preparation and sterilization of nutrients
  2. Cultivation of microbial material in liquid medium
  3. Microbiological food control with agar integration method, microbiological control of water
  4. Control of milk pasteurization
  5. Chromatographic control of pesticide residues in food
  6. Olive oil quality indicator K as evidence of spoilage and malpractice in the processing of olive oil
  7. Quality control of milk-physicochemical indicators of milk control upon receipt
  8. Quality control of fraud in honey  

Educational Aims

The course is a compulsory introductory lesson on the concepts of food safety, food microbiology principles, quality control and HACCP principles.

The subject matter of the course aims at introducing students to good practice and hygiene duringthe production, processing, standardization and distribution of various agricultural products and foodstuffs. The necessary Community legislative and preventive hygiene control measures are presented at all stages of production, marketing and use of food, in order to ensure the production and processing of agricultural products and foodstuffs suitable for public health.Introduction to quality assurance systems is presented and HACCP basic principles are explained by analyzing examples of HACCP application in processing and standardization of agricultural products.

 Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to:

  • understand the basic principles of food microbiology.
  • understand the key and critical features of good practice and hygiene at all stages of production and standardization of the various agricultural products and foodstuffs.
  • know the basic principles of quality control to ensure public health.
  • identify key microbiological, physical and chemical hazards both in primary production and in the processing, preservation, storage and handling of food.
  • understand the role of traceability, quality control and packaging in the safety of agricultural products and foodstuffs.
  • apply HACCP to a food processor not as a simple safeguard but as an integrated tool to minimize all the risks and make the food produced 100% safe.
  • understand that the implementation of HACCP covers all sectors of the food industry from cultivation, harvesting and processing of raw materials to the distribution and consumption of food.

Student Evaluation

I. Written final examination (BT) or intermediate progress tests which include:

  • Multiple choice questions
  • Analysis of concepts and terms
  • Short answer questions
  • Solving problems related to finding risks in farm food throughout the production process and consumption.

 Minimum predictable degree of theory: 5

ΙΙ.  Laboratory grade (BE): Evaluation of work in Lab and homework exercises 

ΙΙΙ. COURSE'S FINAL LEVEL = (75% x BT) + (25% x BE )


  1. «Ανάλυση επικινδυνότητας στα κρίσιμα σημεία ελέγχου (HACCP) στη βιομηχανία τροφίμων», Κωνσταντίνα Τζια, Αλέξανδρος Τσιαπούρης, Εκδόσεις Παπασωτηρίου, Αθήνα 1996.
  2. «Ασφάλεια Τροφίμων», Ιωάννης Σ. Αρβανιτογιάννης, University Studio Press, Θεσσαλονίκη 2005.
  3. «Από το Η έως το P (HACCP), Γιάννης Ζαμπετάκης, Νίκος Γδοντέλης, Εκδόσεις P.I. Publishing, Αθήνα 2006.
  4. «Τρόφιμα», Ευστράτιος Κυρανάς, Εκδόσεις Τζιόλα, 2η έκδοση, 2017.
  5. «Σημειώσεις Εργαστηρίου Ασφάλειας Τροφίμων», Αλεξάνδρα Τσίντζου, Άρης Γιαννακάς, Αρετή Λεοντίου, 2016, http://foodtechlab.deapt.uwg.gr